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Blog Article

For a search experience that's as close to Google in terms of richness of information on the result page—and in many cases even more useful instant result cards—Bing is it.

Yandex is presumably one of the biggest competitors to Google as it provides similar services like mobile apps, a web browser, map, translator, analytics, cloud storage, and even a mailing service. These services make Yandex one of the best alternative search engine to Google.

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Yahoo’s search result pages feature quick answers, though hamiş in birli quite a polished format as Bing and Google. That said, among the services included here, Yahoo Search özgü the fullest answer pages after those two big players.

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Although there is no Dutch law that legislates against under age depictions of sexual acts for computer generated images, the public prosecutor is investigating this on the basis that these virtual actions may incite child abuse in the real world.[10] So far this başmaklık not led to any successful prosecutions. Significant rise in illegal websites[edit]

Ixquick was a standalone search engine other than Google that displayed its own results. It developed another search engine called StartPage to include search results from Google without the tracking. But in kumar 2009, they were merged, and now they operate under the brand StartPage.

The decision to delete inactive accounts has sparked some criticism and backlash. The cited security rationale behind such decision was ridiculed and was compared to a hypothetical scenario where a bank should be burned down child porn if it is hamiş secure against robbers.

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